Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Let's Do Lunch: Caprese Toasts

Hey guys, it's me. I'm alive, I promise.

I know things have been quiet around here and I know I've mentioned it before, but apparently I needed even more time to just... be. You know? The past two months have been rough - June especially. Two deaths and heartbreak was just a lot to handle within two to three weeks of each other. July slowly got easier but then we had the memorial for my grandfather and two days after I got back to LA I moved apartments. So while I wish I could tell you that I've been baking up a storm, I've barely been in the kitchen. True story: I did not go grocery shopping once in July, unless it was for one thing here or there. I don't know how or what I ate.

But that's going to change this month. I went legit grocery shopping on Monday and got a full bag of groceries! Milk, almond milk, eggs, butter, heavy cream, arugula, mushrooms, pasta, and then some beautiful bread, tomatoes and mozzarella.

It's been hot in LA this week and the new apartment in West Hollywood is also definitely hotter than my last place. While it doesn't have central air, it does have great working window units. I just try and not have them cranking all day because I don't want to have a $1029820394823 electric bill. You know, the usual. So when I decided that I wanted to go grocery shopping and actually make food for myself this week, I wanted something that was cold, light, refreshing, and didn't require any cooking other than bread toasting.

Like a few of my other lunch recipes, this isn't a real recipe, but who knows - it might inspire you to add pesto and a balsamic glaze where you might have just had regular old mozzarella and tomato (which is still totally delicious).

It might be a bit slow as I get back into the habit of baking, but the desire is finally coming back. Thanks everyone for being patient :)

Caprese Toasts

serves 1

2 slices bread
2 heaping teaspoons pesto
2 medium or 1 large tomato
3-4 ounces fresh mozzarella
1-2 teaspoons olive oil
Balsamic Glaze
Salt & Pepper

Lightly toast bread. Spread pesto evenly across both slices. Alternate layers of sliced tomato and mozzarella. Sprinkle salt and freshly cracked black pepper over the top. Gently drizzle olive oil and balsamic glaze over the top.

[source: a Confectionary Tales original]


  1. that is seriously a good idea to do a caprese toasts! definitely will be trying it out in my kitchen!

  2. Replies
    1. thanks! with the heat in LA I needed something refreshing to eat :)
