Thursday, June 5, 2014

thursday things

1. This past weekend was Girl's Weekend in Vegas! Unlike the past 3 times we went, I didn't make anything to bring along. There were only 2 of us driving there and 3 back, and good thing because even the few snacks I did buy didn't really get eaten. It was definitely a lot of fun.

2. I haven't really been sleeping this week which has been making it hard to motivate to get myself in the kitchen. Hopefully I'll mentally/physically be up to the task for next week - anything you (a general you, because I don't know if anyone reads these posts?) want to see or are craving? I need help.

3. I finally got a new phone! I upgraded from the iPhone 4 to the 5s which I started to write about in last Friday's muffin post. I also finally got the software to upgrade my computer and now I just have to sit down and update, upgrade, and sync all the technology I own. Oy.

4. This site made me laugh and cry at the same time. It calculates how old you are in days, months, and everything. Crazy.

5. This cake looks absolutely AMAZING. I want to make it tomorrow.

6. I love when there are Will & Grace marathons on TV. It's honestly one of my favorite TV shows and the first show I remember watching every week.

7. I can't believe that it's already June. I'm working on making a summer bucketlist - what are things on your lists for summer?

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