Thursday, November 28, 2013

thursday things: Thanksgiving edition

1. Happy Thanksgiving everyone! This edition is going to be much shorter, because hello, it's my favorite holiday. It's also 7 am while I'm letting the potato pie bake for today and I don't quite have an awake enough brain to write a full blown post. That said, that picture above is from this past Saturday! I was a part of the St Jude Give Thanks Walk! My friend Alicia was the head of recruitment, and a bunch of us went in support of both her and the organization. It was so much fun and they raised a TON of money this year!

2. Thanksgiving as an adult vs a kid

3. I am currently on season 3 of Mad Men and I'm really liking it. It definitely took me the first half of season 1 to get invested but now I'm hooked. Netflix has literally been up on my computer all week.

4. I loved this little comic about before and after cellphones. The part about the payphone? Story of my life. I didn't get a cell phone until high school, so in middle school whenever I was ready for pick up at the stables, I would call home using collect and say "SaraPickUpNow" and then hang up.

5. I loved this video of people making signs to get the subway conductors to laugh. And then there's this buzzfeed article of a little boy dressed up as Harry Potter at Penn Station. It's the little things :)

6. 35 Pictures that prove the world isn't such a bad place. Definitely a good read, especially today.

7. I'm thankful for a lot. I'm thankful for a wonderful family, both here in the US and in Sweden, I'm thankful that I am able to live in LA and pursue my dream. I'm thankful that I have such amazing friends, out here in LA and back home on the east coast. I'm thankful for my boyfriend. I'm thankful for having a job that support me while I audition with fantastic co-workers. I'm simply thankful. What are you thankful for today?

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