Thursday, October 24, 2013

thursday things

1. This past weekend was my birthday and it was SO much fun. It was filled with lattes, driving up the coast, a beautiful sunset, a fun night out with friends, donuts, and so much love. It makes this whole joining my mid-20s thing a little better.

2. In celebration of turning another year older, here's wonderful article about 50 things that look just like childhood. Crazy how some things have changed!

3. Also, these 30 lessons learned on the way to 30.

4. I BOOKED MY TICKET BACK HOME FOR CHRISTMAS! I'm really excited to get back to NJ. And seeing this article about 12 small NE towns to run away to this fall made me miss my east coast fall. Though I did finally see some trees with leaves changing colors!

5. If Harry Potter had an instagram.. This definitely made me laugh.

6. These scones look delicious - I definitely want to try making something like this.

7. This latte was from my birthday weekend as well. Salted Caramel Latte that was delicious but especially because it came in a MUG. I love when places give you things in a mug, because you can sit there and be all cozy with your mug of coffee and sit for awhile. I think it's the Swede in me. Also, Ryan couldn't believe that they were able to make a complicated leaf design in my latte.

8. That's it for this week. Have a good weekend!

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