Thursday, May 23, 2013

thursday things

1. I am writing this post at 5 am because I am about to get on a plane and head to Florida for the weekend to visit my dad's side of the family. And in my hard core blogging, decided to write/finish writing this blog post before my wonderful friend Alicia (thanks Alicia!) picks me up to drive me to LAX.
2. Oh, and that sunset up above? Saturday I drove up the PCH past Malibu to some little beach, ate a peanut butter and nutella sandwich, and watched the sunset. It was beautiful, relaxing, kind of sad, and wonderful.

3. I love Audrey Hepburn and Breakfast at Tiffany's. So, naturally, I loved this page. And especially number 4. Amidst life and more recently, packing for a long weekend, clutter IS my room.

4.  Yes, please, keep telling me things that I'm doing wrong. Though I can tell you, as a cupcake eater and a baker, #3 is blasphemous. And I wish I could follow the pictures for #7. I don't get it.

5.  After baking with brown sugar, these brown sugar lemon mascarpone muffins look DELICIOUS. And so does this salted caramel chocolate tart.

6. I just want to stick my face into this burger.

7. In the span of a week, I watched over 20 episodes of Game of Thrones, catching me up so that I'm currently up to date on the current season. Oh my god. So much is going on. So excited for the next 2 episodes, and now I'm considering going back and reading the books. Good or bad idea?

8. Aaaaand Happy Memorial Day Weekend!!

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