Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Homemade Pumpkin Pie Spice

I absolutely love pumpkin.

Like.. I'm in love with it. Serious love. I love everything you can make with it. The muffins, the bread, the donuts, the rice krispie treats, the pie, the cheesecake, the tea, the coffee. Literally.. everything.

I know pumpkin season is technically the fall, but I prefer to think of it as something you can have year round depending on your mood. It's warm and homey, and the combination of spices just scream Thanksgiving/Christmas time, cozy cups of tea, fire places, and all sorts of comfort foods. But sometimes, even in the middle of summer (during which I still drink a cup of hot tea every morning), nothing sounds better than pumpkin flavored anything.

A key ingredient to almost all pumpkin recipes is "pumpkin pie spice". A delicious combination of spices that varies depending on the brand, who's making it, etc. I have to say though, buying the pre-made spice is a waste of money. It's generally a small little container, overpriced, it won't last very long, and you probably have all of the spices in your drawer anyway.

It's fun and easy to make, and you can tweak the amounts depending on what spices you like best. I love cardamom, and most pumpkin pie spices don't include it. But I think it adds a wonderful depth of flavor and warmth to anything. It's the Swedish part of me coming out (we use cardamom a lot in Swedish baked goods).

So next time you're going to make something with pumpkin, first throw together some of your own pumpkin pie spice and then proceed. Trust me, you're going to need it, especially if you plan on sticking around here.

Homemade Pumpkin Pie Spice

makes about 4 tablespoons

2 tablespoons cinnamon
1 tablespoon ground ginger
1 1/2 teaspoon
1 1/2 teaspoon
3/4 teaspoon
1/4 teaspoon cardamom

Measure and combine all the spices in a bowl. Transfer to an old spice container, tupperware, or other food storage you have. Shake to make sure it's well blended.

[source: adapted from Annie's Eats]

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